Jira Product Discovery – empowering product teams to develop even greater products

Jira Product Discovery allows product teams to capture and prioritize ideas, aligning everyone with product roadmaps – all within Jira. It bridges the gap between business and technical teams by linking product ideas with execution work in Jira.

Better product decisions are made as a team. Jira Product Discovery makes this process structured and collaborative. It helps teams bring the best ideas to life by collecting data and insights, supporting the prioritization of actions that have the most significant impact.

Jodocus Atlassian Jira product Discovery

From ideas to impactful results with Jira Product Discovery

Atlassian Jira Product Discovery is a specially designed tool for product teams to capture and prioritize ideas, connect business and technical teams, and keep everyone on the same page.
At its core, Jira Product Discovery helps make product management a team sport. It enables product teams to work with a shared vision, developing products cross-functionally that matter to both customers and the company.

Also suitable for extended product teams

With full integration into Jira, the entire process from systematic idea collection to successful implementation can be mapped on one platform. This makes Jira Product Discovery interesting for extended product teams as well:

Marketing & Design

Marketing teams use Jira Product Discovery to centralize all actions and ideas within the company and assign them to team members. This facilitates the coordination of campaigns, structuring of market research results, tracking progress, and quickly responding to market changes. Meanwhile, designers can collect, prioritize, and incorporate feedback and design ideas into product development.

Software Development

In software development, Jira Product Discovery is used to prioritize the work of development teams. This higher level of organization and transparency leads to better alignment between development and sales, ensuring that developed solutions meet actual customer needs.

Advantages of Jira Product Discovery

With Atlassian Jira Product Discovery, product teams can:

  • Bring structure to chaos: systematically collect, organize, and prioritize ideas and insights.
  • Communicate and engage eontinuously: inform and involve stakeholders with features like customizable views and roadmaps.
  • Connect business and technical teams: link product ideas with development work in Jira, bridging the gap between the two teams.
  • Capture and share the 'why' behind the work: allow product managers to better document and communicate the rationale behind their work.

Core ideas of Jira Product Discovery

Capture ideas and insights


With Jira Product Discovery, product teams have a dedicated home for their work. They can gather and organize product offers, user feedback, and feature requests in one central place. Development and delivery thus take place on the same platform. For each idea you work on, you can create a Jira ticket directly from Jira Product Discovery. This saves double work, as ideas seamlessly transition from initial conception to implementation. In Jira, developers can see the entire workload, while product managers keep track of all tasks, even if ideas are broken down into multiple epics and stories.

With Jira Product Discovery, product teams have a dedicated home for their work. They can gather and …

eep everyone on the same page


Seamlessly connect your product roadmap and ideas with epics in Jira, ensuring that all involved teams have context and visibility from the initial draft to delivery. Spend less time on updates and persuasion by using custom views and roadmaps that clearly communicate the what, when, and why to your stakeholders. Share these views easily in read-only form and receive feedback through comments, votes, or reactions. This transparency makes the reasons, context, and data behind decisions easily understandable for all parties involved. Use a timeline view to visualize what lies ahead in the coming quarters and always share an up-to-date overview.

Seamlessly connect your product roadmap and ideas with epics in Jira, ensuring that all involved teams have …

Prioritize tasks your way


Product development involves considering numerous data points. It’s easy for the flood of information to become chaotic, hindering product development. Jira Product Discovery addresses this by allowing you to compare ideas using the prioritization method that works best for you, thanks to flexible views and detailed fields. To ensure no idea gets lost and everything converges in one place, Jira Product Discovery also offers an idea section where product opportunities, user problems, and potential solutions can be captured. With idea templates, the information gathered for each idea can even be standardized.

Product development involves considering numerous data points. It’s easy for the flood of information to …


Do you want to know more about Atlassian Jira Product Discovery? Then get in touch with us now. We have the answers to your questions and help you with the:

  • selection and procurement of licenses and their renewal
  • installation and implementation
  • customization of Jira Product Discovery to meet the needs of your teams
  • optimizing your product development with Jira Product Discovery
  • selection and implementation of apps from the Atlassian Marketplace
  • connecting your existing systems to Jira Product Discovery
  • tool implementation and employee training