The power of process mining: a paradigm shift in business optimization

Imagine peering into the hidden workings of your business, like looking through a magnifying glass at an intricate clockwork. Every cog, every movement, laid bare – revealing inefficiencies, bottlenecks and hidden gems of potential. Organizations are constantly seeking innovative ways to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve overall performance. In the midst of these efforts, a relatively new but profoundly impactful approach has emerged, known as process mining. Situated at the intersection of data science and process management, this technique offers a fresh perspective on how organisations can optimise their operations. This blog post explores the nature of process mining, its applications and its critical role in today's world of business process optimization.

What is process mining?

Envision, your company has a well-defined workflow for handling customer requests. But delays and bottlenecks persist. Frustrated? You're not alone. Traditional methods often rely on assumptions and limited visibility, leaving inefficiencies hidden. That's where process mining comes in.

Process mining serves as a tool to connect process science and data science, addressing the gap between them. While data science typically lacks process awareness, focusing solely on data, process science tends to overlook the insights hidden within the data. Process mining uniquely integrates both data-driven analysis and process-centric perspectives.

Jodocus Process Mining process science and data science

It is a data-driven technique that analyses business processes based on event logs recorded by enterprise systems such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) and business process management (BPM) tools.

One such enterprise system is Atlassian Jira. It offers a wide range of features essential for managing and tracking business processes in large organizations. It enables integration with other enterprise systems, data capture and analysis (Atlassian Analytics), and coordination of workflows at the enterprise level.

Unlike traditional process analysis, which often relies on interviews, workshops and manual data collection, process mining uses the digital footprints left by transactions and interactions within IT systems to reconstruct and visualise actual process flows. This objective view of processes enables organizations to identify bottlenecks, deviations, inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement that are not apparent using traditional methods.

Think of it as an X-ray of your business processes. Using sophisticated algorithms, this data is transformed into process models that visually represent the actual flow of your processes, complete with variations, deviations and bottlenecks, compliance issues and unnecessary costs.

At its core, process mining encompasses three main types of analysis:

  • Discovery: automatically constructing process models from event logs without a priori process information.
  • Conformance: comparing the observed processes (as recorded in the logs) with the predefined process models to identify discrepancies.
  • Enhancement: improving existing process models using information derived from analysis of real process data, including prediction and recommendation on future process improvements.

Where process mining works its magic

Process mining goes beyond simply identifying problems in business operations; it equips organizations with the skills to effectively address these problems. This transformative tool is being applied across a wide range of industries and functional areas, demonstrating its versatility and impact.

In the area of supply chain management, process mining is proving to be instrumental in pinpointing delays within the supply chain, enabling companies to effectively optimise delivery routes. This optimization not only improves the efficiency of the delivery process, but also improves inventory management practices, ensuring that stock levels are optimally maintained to meet demand without incurring unnecessary costs.

When it comes to order fulfilment, process mining takes centre stage by removing bottlenecks that hinder the smooth flow of orders. The result is a significant reduction in order fulfillment time and increased customer satisfaction. Customers benefit from faster service delivery, which in turn improves their overall experience with the company.

In the financial sector, process mining streamlines the entire loan approval process. This not only speeds up the decision-making process, but also helps to identify potential fraud risks and ensure that all transactions comply with regulatory standards. This dual benefit of speed and security makes process mining an invaluable asset in the financial industry.

The healthcare sector is also reaping the benefits of process mining through the analysis of patient pathways. By optimizing the allocation of resources and improving treatment outcomes, process mining ensures that healthcare providers can deliver the best possible care to patients. This leads to more efficient use of resources and better health outcomes, highlighting the critical role of process mining in healthcare.

In human resources, process mining provides insight into the recruitment process, helping organizations track the efficiency and fairness of their hiring practices. By identifying potential biases, organizations can take corrective action to ensure a more inclusive recruitment process. In addition, process mining improves the employee onboarding experience, making sure that new hires are integrated into the organization smoothly and effectively.

In software development, process mining is emerging as a critical tool to overcome the common practice of making process adjustments based on intuition rather than data. Too often, software developers, who may lack process management expertise, rely on their perceptions and feelings shared during retrospectives to guide process improvements. Process mining fills this gap by providing a data-driven foundation for analysing and improving software development processes. By leveraging the insights gained from process mining, organizations can move beyond subjective assessments to make informed decisions that optimise the efficiency and effectiveness of their software development lifecycle. This shift not only leads to more streamlined development processes, but also contributes to higher quality software products, improved team dynamics and better project outcomes.

The power of "knowing"

Imagine the impact of knowing exactly where your processes falter. With process mining, you gain:

  • Transparency: see beyond assumptions and uncover the true reality of your workflows
  • Data-driven decisions: base your optimization efforts on concrete evidence, not gut feeling
  • Efficiency gains: eliminate unnecessary steps, reduce waste, and streamline operations
  • Cost savings: optimize resource allocation and identify areas for cost reduction
  • Compliance assurance: ensure adherence to regulations and internal policies
  • Improved customer experience: identify and address pain points that hinder customer satisfaction


Process mining represents a paradigm shift in how organizations approach business process optimization. By providing transparent, data-driven insights into actual process performance, it enables businesses to identify and implement improvements more effectively than ever before. In the context of today's fast-paced and complex business environment, process mining is not just a tool for efficiency and compliance. It is a strategic asset that can drive innovation, enhance competitiveness, and foster sustainable growth. As businesses continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, the role of process mining in shaping the future of business process optimization cannot be overstated.

The road ahead

Process mining is no longer a futuristic concept. It's a vital tool for businesses seeking success in the modern era. By harnessing the power of data and uncovering the hidden truths within your processes, you can unlock efficiency, agility, and a competitive edge. So, are you ready to embark on this data-driven journey of process optimization? Start exploring the world of process mining and witness the power of "knowing" with us! Feel free to reach out to us—we look forward to hearing from you.

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